This last week I had the awesome privilege of spending time with some of South Africans pre-eminent theologians, pastors and philosophers. We were attending a Dallas Willard conference at Northfield. It is amazing how Dallas, as one of Christianity’s foremost theologian-philosophers, is a magnet for people such as Delme Linscott, Gareth Killen, Tom Smit, Paul Oosthuizen, Andrew Barret and Andrew Evans. I’m reminded of how Barry’s death last year plucked a potentially significant force from the Methodist Church of SA. I profile these guys in an effort to raise the awareness of their contribution both now and in the future for the Gospel.
Here’s a little bit about the amazing work they’re doing …
Delme is a Methodist Minister in Pietermaritzburg who is a talented writer. He has a particular passion for addressing the issue of emigration in South Africa and how it breaks apart families. He runs workshops addressing these issues for families struggling in this realm. Check out his site at Living in Grace. Be sure to follow him on twitter as well.
Gareth is a driven guy who owns Crux Mobi Media. He is pioneering the use of mobile technology in ministry. His main focus at the moment is the mobi magazine So What? He is convinced that utilising mobile tech is vital in South Africa when promoting the Gospel. I think he’s right!
Tom is one of the most forward thinking theologians I’ve ever met. He is uncompromising on building a contextually relevant church in South Africa. He also happens to be one of the best teachers the country has!
Paul Oosthuizen
Paul is currently a Methodist minister in Roodepoort. I first met him when he was Youth Pastor at Northfield. The best way to describe Paul’s mind is incisive – he cuts to the heart of issues of faith in an uncanny manner.
Andrew Barrett
Andrew is an old mate from varsity days. He pioneered the ability to fall asleep in lectures with his head still up (amazing!). Andrew has gone on to study philosphy and has started an NGO that aims to build community. He is a huge fan of reasoning and is able to uncover the depths and layers of an argument in an amazing way.
Andrew Evans
One of the challenges of being a Methodist minister is that you can get stationed out in the sticks. This is the case with Andrew Evans and he does it gladly, with enthusiasm. He pastors four congregations in the Free State. Andrew has a tangibly down to earth approach to life an ministry.
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